This Week August 28, 2018
Dear Folks,
What a great weekend it was! Thank you to everyone who participated in any way with the 6th Annual Bruce E. Hartel Memorial Car Show. Fabulous event!
Speaking of the car show, if you have yard signs, please return them ASAP so we can safely store them for another year.
This Sunday, September 2, is the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost. The sermon is the 2018 Auction Sermon for David Beardsley. The scripture is John 6:1-21. The title is “It’s A Miracle!” Holy Communion will be celebrated.
We have a very full September coming up, so please note these dates:
September 9: Advance Directive Planning Seminar by Connie Glenn following worship
September 16: Outdoor Worship and Picnic! Note, the time will be 11 A.M. at Pemberley (the Parsonage).
September 23: Safety Seminar following worship
September 30: Meeting for potential confirmands with parents and guardians
We will be starting choir practice on September 13, 7:15 P.M. in the sanctuary. I will be pulling together some simple songs so we can keep the voices rising as we await James’s return. New voices are always welcome! No experience necessary, just a willing spirit.
Let us pray. O God, as the seasons pass, summer to fall, fall to winter, winter to spring, spring to summer and on and on and on, fill us with the assurance of your steadfast, eternal presence, no matter the clime or the climb. Amen.
In Christ’s love,
Rev. Lucille