Huntington Congregational Church

United Church of Christ

This Week August 6, 2019

Dear Folks,

It’s a week where my heart is heavy. How many times do we need to hear about the latest mass shooting? My opinion, and I stress, my opinion: thoughts and prayers are great, but not enough. It is time for national commonsense gun laws. No one outside of the military or law enforcement needs an assault rife or an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. No one should be able to walk into a gun show or a Wal-Mart or any store and just buy a gun, no questions asked. Some people blame the shootings on mental health or violent video games. Those things do need to be addressed, but, they are present all over the world, yet, the United States has the most mass shooting by far. What’s the difference? Easily accessible guns. Some people claim the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Please note “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Well trained militia? I don’t think any of these shooters were well-trained militia. Also, the guns of the day were musket loaders, not the firepower that now available. Background checks, licensing, training, and responsible gun ownership is a necessity for public safety. I know some people will disagree, and we can agree to disagree. If you would like to talk to me about it, please do.

Summer Concert on the Green is tomorrow night, weather permitting. The featured band is “Highland Rovers”. Come out and say hi to our Vitality Team and our Men’s Group!

My prayer day is this Thursday, August 8. If you have any joys or concerns for me to lift up, please let me know.

This Sunday, August 11, is the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost. The scripture is Genesis 15:1-6. The sermon is “Trusting the Promise”. Elias Stone will be baptized. We congratulate him and his parents, Kristen and Jeffrey.

We are in are in the midst of our Season of Generosity. Please prayerfully consider your gift to HCCUCC and return your Faith Promise cards as soon as possible.
Thank you for your faithfulness!

Please take note of the poster in the Alcove with suggested items for the Valley Food Bank bin in Fellowship Hall. Of course, all items are gratefully accepted, but the Missions Committee put together a list that attempts to target items that may be needed more during certain seasons or months. The need is great, so please be generous!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Due to the State Fire Convention in Huntington Center, THE ALL CHURCH WORSHIP & PICNIC will be held SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th at 4 p.m. at the Parsonage, 160 Huntington Street. Watch for more info!

Let us pray. O God, may your hear our prayers that we cannot even utter. Amen.

In Christ’s love,
Rev. Lucille

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