Huntington Congregational Church

United Church of Christ

This Week April 16, 2024

Dear Folks,


What a wonderful celebration of our 300th Anniversary we had on Sunday!  Thank you for everyone who helped out in any way.  It truly was a great event!


Women’s Fellowship is sponsoring a Community Shredding Event & Food Drive on Saturday, April 20th, 9:00 a.m.-Noon, in conjunction with our church’s 300th anniversary. Important papers & documents can be shredded: $10 per medium sized box, larger boxes, more. A portion of the proceeds will go to Spooner House. 


This Sunday, April 21, is the Fourth Sunday of Easter.  The scripture is John 10:11-18.  The sermon is “Lead Us”.


HELP NEEDED!  Our Spring Grounds Clean-Up is on Saturday, May 4th at 9 a.m.  Any help is appreciated!  Coffee and donuts provided!  For more info, see Linda Sember.


Our 14th Annual Treasures, Talents and Tastes Auction will be held on Saturday, May 11th at 6 P.M.  


SAVE THE DATE!  Women’s Fellowship Community Tag Sale- June 8th, rain date June 15th.


The Valley Food Bank at Spooner House – There is a list of needed items in the Alcove.  Please pick up a copy. Please use the box in the Alcove for donations. The Blessing Box also needs to be stocked.  Our Spooner House Meal is on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Questions? See Holly or Gerry Fassbender.


Funds For Clean-Up Buckets Needed – Women’s Fellowship is collecting monetary donations for Church World Service Clean up buckets. Checks may be made out to HC C with “Buckets” on the memo line. You can drop your donation in the bucket on Sundays or you can use the on-line option on our website. The need now is urgent.


Please continue to support HCCUCC with your contributions.  Now more than ever, our mission of being the beacon of love and light on the Huntington Green and beyond is vital. Contributions sent in by mail are welcome. Please consider donating at our website, Electronic Fund Transfer giving is also available. Please email the church, if you would like a form to set that up. Any way you give is a blessing and is greatly appreciated.


Let us pray.  O God of all the ages, we are grateful for the ways you reveal yourself to us in the people we meet and in the creation all around us.  May we be open to your divine revelations.  Amen.


In Christ’s love,

Rev. Lucille