This Week May 28, 2024
Dear Folks,
I hope you all had a blessed Memorial Day weekend.
This coming Sunday, June 2, is the Third Sunday after Pentecost and Gertrude and Robert Wilson Sunday. The scripture is Mark 2:23-3:6. The sermon is “Law or Love?”. We will be celebrating Holy Communion, so be sure to have your elements ready. Following the service, there will be ice cream in the Fellowship Hall to honor the Wilsons.
The Valley Refugee Resettlement Project will meet on Sunday, June 2 at 3 P.M. at the Derby Neck Library or via ZOOM to plan on settling another family. Questions? Contact Bob Margolies:
The Fairfield East Association’s Spring Program Meeting is a concert featuring Ellis Paul, singer and songwriter, to be held on Sunday, June 2, 2024, at the First Church Congregational UCC in Danbury, CT at 4:00 p.m. This free concert is open to all. After the concert, will be a time of fellowship and refreshments.
Women’s Fellowship’s Annual Tag Sale is June 8th, 9 to 2 (rain date is June 15). Gently used and clean items may be donated and dropped off in Reuman House. We appreciate if you price them. Price stickers are available in the alcove. Spaces are available for $20, payable the day of the event. Donations of baked goods to sell that day are welcome! Questions? See Lois Ricker or Denise Wilson.
To commemorate our 300th anniversary, we are putting together a Memory Book with Picture Directory. Dates for photos will be June 9th & 23rd, and August 4th after worship (a light brunch will be provided as you wait) and September 4th at 7 p.m. Photos for the directory are free. Photo “build your own” packages will be available for purchase. Watch for more info!!
June 9 – The Strengthen the Church offering supports the expansion of ministry and growth of UCC local congregations. Support of this offering will help the UCC fulfill its commitment to creating a just world for all by investing in new ministries and practices that meet the needs of local communities. Please bring your gift to the church or visit our website: to donate. Thank you for your support!
Church World Service Health Kits: Women’s Fellowship is collecting items to fill kits! Needed: Hand towels, Wide tooth combs, Finger or toenail clippers, Bath size packaged bars of soap, Standard size band aids. A box for donations is in the Alcove. Questions? See Lois Ricker.
If you haven’t done so, please return your Capital Campaign Pledge as soon as possible!
Please continue to support HCCUCC with your contributions. Now more than ever, our mission of being the beacon of love and light on the Huntington Green and beyond is vital. Contributions sent in by mail are welcome. Please consider donating at our website, Electronic Fund Transfer giving is also available. Please email the church, if you would like a form to set that up. Any way you give is a blessing and is greatly appreciated.
Let us pray. Loving God, may you hear our prayers of gratitude for those who came before us who sacrificed so much to build a better world. May we continue in their memory and honor to live lives devoted to justice, peace, freedom, and equality. Amen.
In Christ love,
Rev. Lucille